It goes without saying that if you have any concerns regarding your waxing treatment, you should discuss them with your aesthetician or beauty therapist. This will serve to both teach you about some of the finer points relating to waxing treatments, as well as notify your provider about any conditions that may be cause for concern, or that may not warrant any real fear.
There are, however, a number of conditions that should definitely be mentioned to your beauty therapist without fail. The reason for this is for your personal comfort and pain prevention, as well as to allow for any special attention that may be required. Special attention may be used to protect the health of your skin and maximize the efficiency of your treatment.
These conditions include, but are not limited to;
- Diabetes or blood thinning medication
- Skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis. Also, temporary or fluctuating skin conditions such as cold sores, HPV virus, or similar
- Chemically or unexpectedly sensitized skin (from acne medications, dermabrasion treatments, chemical peels, regular burns or sunburns etc.)
- Recent surgeries, Botox treatments, fillers or injection sites
- Allergies to products that may be ingredients in waxing agents, aftercare lotions, or other sensitivities
- Cancer; more particularly if you are also undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
There are other conditions that also warrant mention to your aestheticians, such as a contractible infection or illness.
Types of special consideration that may be employed include;
- Using alternative types of waxing agent (hard vs soft wax) to suit the sensitivity of the area
- Allowing the waxing product to cool more significantly before application, especially in the case more delicate skin
- Avoiding the area completely, or deliberately waxing around the area
- Recommending alternative hair removal methods that may be more suitable for your situation.
The “special attention” that is granted is wholly dependent on the condition that you are experiencing, and will not be standardized across all salons that you may choose to visit. Some conditions may even result in refusal of treatment at your salon, in instances such as people who have experienced chemical treatments or similar. While this may be frustrating to experience as a customer, it is always for your benefit and comfort. Should you have any doubts about recommendations from your aesthetician or would like a second opinion, consider booking an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist for confirmation.