There are a few basic things you can do to reduce and get rid of ingrown hairs. First and foremost, exfoliate! Using a natural bristle body brush, exfoliating cloth or brush, or body scrub, scrub the skin once or twice a week. This will clear away pore-clogging dead skin cells and prevent hairs from becoming trapped under the skin. It is also important to allow for some hair regrowth between hair removal treatments. Hair shorter than a ¼ of an inch is too short for wax ora razor blade to grip, and the hairs will break, instead of being removed properly. These broken hairs can become irritated and ingrown. Almost as important as exfoliating is to keep your skin healthy and moisturized. Your skin needs to be moisturized about 1-2 times a day, depending on the area. A good rule of thumb to remember is that whenever your skin gets wet, you should moisturize (whether it’s a shower or washing your hands).

If you shave, it is important to use an alcohol-free, moisturizing shaving cream. The cream not only lubricates and eases the shaving process, it can also make the skin less sensitive. A razor blade should never be dull. It is best to change the blade as soon as you notice any dullness or discomfort – this can vary based on the blade and the extent of each use.

Gillette suggests between five and ten uses, though other sources may suggest fewer or more uses before a blade needs to be replaced. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, it may be a good idea to try a safety blade or a double-edged razor. A multi-blade razor is much more likely to cause ingrown hairs. Hair is pulled from the skin and cut too short, increasing the chance of ingrown hairs. For the same reason, you should shave in the direction that your hair naturally grows, so that the short hairs aren’t trapped.

If you already have ingrown hairs, there are a few ways you can relieve the skin, and reduce the problem. First, do not squeeze the bumps, and don’t pick at ingrown hairs. Warm, moist compresses to the area will soothe pain, soften the skin, and help the hair rise to the surface of the skin. Once it emerges, you can gently pull out the hair with tweezers. Angled tweezers are less likely to damage your skin and can make it easier to get hold of the hair when it’s so close to the skin. In most cases, however, you may not even need to treat ingrown hair – it will clear up on its own. With ingrown pubic hair, letting it fix itself is usually the best option, since the area is so sensitive. However, if it doesn’t clear up, the warm compress and tweeze option may be tried. If the hair becomes infected, you may need to see a doctor for treatment. A doctor will also be able to suggest treatment methods for ingrown hairs that will be appropriate for your specific needs.

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